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Ready to Realise Your Potential?

If you’re interested in any of my services, please get in touch.

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Frequently Asked

What services do you provide?

-Keynote Speaking
-Team-Building Sessions
-Mindset Coaching
-Guided Mindfulness
-School Visits

What are the benefits of your services?

– Fresh perspectives and renewed beliefs
– Increased motivation
– Practical tools, tips and strategies
– Engaging stories and activity
– Improved creativity
– Clear thinking
– Supporting materials and resources

How can I book a service?

You can simply contact me with your requirements via the contact forms, or via email and phone.

How much do your services cost?

Prices vary depending on your requirements and guest numbers. I am always willing to be flexible and negotiate terms that are fair to all parties. Whatever your budget, please get in touch.

Where are you based?

I live in North East England. I’m willing to travel if needed. I’m comfortable delivering online or in-person.

Positiv Resources

Positive Thinking eBook

A cheat-sheet style ebook to supercharge your mindset. Discover how to take charge of your thinking and embrace the power of positive thinking.

The Positiv Post Newsletter

Subscribe to my monthly newsletter, sent out on the second Wednesday of the month. Lift your spirits and discover quick wins and mindset hacks.

5-Minute Meditations

I’m developing guided meditation resources. Designed to clear your mind and maximise your effectiveness quickly and easily. Stay tuned!

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